Mobile 0403 925 108
The Rules for Agistees of Bangholme Park Horse Agistment.
By Agisting your Horse or Horse's at Bangholme Park Horse Agistment you consent and agree to the following rules


1.             The horse is at the owners risk at all times. It is the owners responsibility to insure the horse and any progeny against all risks while they are at the agistment property or being transported to or from the property, or at the property.


2.             The owner must notify the Agistor immediately the owner becomes aware that the horse suffers of has been in contact with any significant or notifiable sickness, disease, illness or injury howsoever caused or arising to horse whilst at the Agistment property.


3.             The owner gives the Agistor a lien over the horse for payment of the agistment fees and all other charges and expenses which the owner must pay under this agreement.   This means the owner may not remove the horse or its progeny from the while any part of this agreement is not fulfilled.  


4.             The Agistor may sell the horse and /or its progeny at public auction or buy private sale to recover any monies unpaid for 28 days after the Agistor has sent the overdue account notice.



5.             The owner irrevocably appoints the Agistor as the owners attorney with power to sell the hose and/ or its progeny and to sign all transfers and other documents and do everything necessary to effect and complete the sale and to receive the purchase price and credit towards the cost and sale and all monies owing.
1 horse Private Paddocks when available starting from $65.00 per week payable per calendar month in advance starting from $282.00 (Per Calendar Month)
Your agistment fees are those that are agreed upon with yourself, the horse owner (agistee) and us, Bangholme Park Horse Agistment, the landholder (Agistor).

The agistment fees cover the cost of the paddock, and use of our facilities.
An annual price rise takes place on the 1st July every year.
There can be a price increase of fees at any other time by Bangholme Park Horse Agistment, but a four week notifying period will take place.
Your fees start from the day your horse arrives at Bangholme Park Horse Agistment. .

A $5.00 per week or part thereof, book keeping fee is charged on any overdue agistment.  Once your agistment becomes two weeks overdue, a $10.00 per week or part thereof, book keeping fee is charged on any overdue agistment.  If you are late paying, please automatically add the extra fees to your agistment for every week or part thereof, that you are late.

Payment of Agistment fees can made by cheque or direct deposit to our Bank account, please ask us for our bank details. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to "Bangholme Park Horse Agistment”

Bangholme Park Horse Agistment requires a One Month notifying period if you wish to move your horse from Bangholme Park Horse Agistment property. If you cannot give two weeks notice for any reason, you are still required to pay One Months agistment to cover the paddock.

All horses are to be vacated from their paddock, and the paddock and Garage tack area cleaned by 12pm on the day they are leaving.  Otherwise a $10 per day or part there of agistment fee will be charged.

Once you move your horse from Bangholme Park Horse Agistment, or change paddocks at Bangholme Park Horse Agistment, you must clean your paddock of manure, by 12pm on that same day, or a harrowing fee ($40.00 per private paddock) and cleaning fee ($20.00 per bag ) will be charged to you.

Horses must not be removed from Bangholme Park Horse Agistment’s property until all fees owing are paid in full, the paddock and feed shed cleaned, or the cleaning fees paid in full.

If you are asked to leave Bangholme Park Horse Agistment with your horse for any reason, you will have 7 days from when notice is given, to vacate the property.  During that time, you or anyone else is not permitted to ride your horse on Bangholme Park Horse Agistment property.

After an agistment agreement has been terminated by either the agistee or Agistor, any items left at Bangholme Park Horse Agistment after the agreed termination date, will become the property of Bangholme Park Horse Agistment.

Under the Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 (Updated January 2006), it provides landholders with a legal process and means of recovering horse agistment expenses where payments are in default.

If your horse agistment at Bangholme Park Horse Agistment becomes overdue for more than 30 days, (unless prior arrangements have been made with us) your paddock will be padlocked, or your horse will be moved to another paddock on Bangholme Park Horse Agistment property at our discretion and padlocked.  You will be sent an overdue account at this time informing you of the costs owed, including extra costs incurred by us for caring for the horse and book keeping fees between the date the default occurred and extinguishment of the contract, and costs incurred relating to the intended sale of the horse.  Any tack that you have on the property will also be locked up for future sale if your fees are not paid.  You will also be informed that if the money owing has not been paid within 28 days from the date the overdue account was served, we can sell your horse to recover debts.  It is an offence under the Act for a person to remove a horse during this time, without the permission of the landholder.  If during this time you want to collect your horse, all fees must be paid for in full, at your normal agistment rate, plus late fees, as well as any other debts incurred by Bangholme Park Horse Agistment i.e. feeding, farrier, vet, worming, harrowing of paddock etc. before your horse is allowed to leave Bangholme Park Horse Agistment.

It is a requirement that all agistees at Bangholme Park have signed our "Horse Agistment Contract" and "Risk Warning and Waiver" before bringing a horse on to the property. If you do not comprehend the wording of these documents, then you must seek professional advice.  Once signed, the documents have a very significant legal impact on the rider's legal rights.

It is a very strict rule at Bangholme Park that NO ONE is allowed to mount a horse at Bangholme Park unless they have signed our "Risk Warning and Waiver" in front of us.  If you have someone who regularly rides your horse e.g. a family member, friend or instructor, then please organize for them to obtain our "Risk Warning and Waiver", read it, and then sign it in front of us.  Please make a time with us to sign, do not turn up and expect us to be home.  You are only allowed two other people apart from yourself to sign this document and ride at Bangholme Park.  Anyone found riding a horse or even sitting on one, on Bangholme Park property, who has not signed this document, will immediately be asked to leave the property, and the owner and horse instantly evicted from Bangholme Park. If you want other people to occasionally ride your horse, e.g. family members, friends, instructors, potential horse buyers etc. then you will have to take the horse off the property to do so.  Potential horse buyers can come to Bangholme Park and see your horse and watch you ride, and then if they are still interested, you will have to take the horse off the property for them to ride.

All persons riding a horse on Bangholme Park property MUST wear an Australian Standards Approved riding helmet.  You MUST also wear protective shoes while on the property.  This means all agistee’s, friends, children, instructors, prospective horse buyers etc.  All agistee’s are held responsible to inform any persons entering the property on their behalf, that they must adhere to these rules.  Due to insurance regulations, any person not adhering to these rules will be asked to leave Bangholme Park permanently

It is also a rule at Bangholme Park that all horses must be constrained at all times on the property, except for in your paddock. This is for the safety of all horses, people, cars and floats. You are responsible to pay for any damage caused by your horse to any person or their property. You may graze your horse in the laneways as long as they are on a lead. All manure must be cleaned up from the laneway and car park area

Any fully paid agistee of Bangholme Park may use the lunging ring, jumps, dressage/flat area in front of the facility shed and the fenced arena. There is to be NO lunging in the fenced arena. Consider other people when using these facilities, and keep your time to a minimum if anyone is waiting. If a rider wishes to jump their horse they are to wear a safety approved vest. It is the horse owner’s responsibility to insure their horse and horse gear/equipment against all risks while they are on the property or being transported


While your horse is agisted at Bangholme Park, Bangholme Park shall NOT be liable for any sickness, disease, injury or death suffered by the horse or any other cause of action arising from or connecting to the agisting of your horse. All reasonable and proper care of the property is taken by Bangholme Park, but all risks are assumed by the owner of the horse. The owner agrees to hold Bangholme Park harmless from any loss or injury to the agisted horse. All costs, connected with agisting are borne by the horse owner.

Bangholme Park will not remove agisted horses from the property without the horse owners consent, except where the horse is being sold to cover costs by Bangholme Park , or there is an emergency (for example, fire or flood). In this case Bangholme Park will promptly inform the horse owner of the new location of the horse.


Litter must be picked up and put in bins provided or taken home with you this will save anyone having to pick up after you and keeps the property tidy for other agistees , this also goes for horse droppings in the arena and tie up or wash areas


Please ensure when entering and leaving your horses paddock please ensure your horses paddock is secure. This is for the safety of all horses, should one get out, or away from the handler. Please request that your farrier, vet and any visitors enter and leave through this gate. Cars are to be driven at WALKING PACE only, and horses also are to be walked along the roadways on the property.  Anyone caught speeding on the property will be asked to leave Bangholme Park permanently.  Please tell your friends, farriers, horse feed deliveries, vets etc, as they are your responsibility, and will not be welcome back This also includes anyone behaving in an unruly or unorderly or unsuitable fashion with or without your horse around the property or other agistee’s on the property


NO other horses other than those agisted on the property are permitted to use any of Bangholme Parks facilities at any time due to insurance reasons.


NO dogs are permitted on the property at any time, unless by prior arrangement.  Then they must be on a lead at ALL times.  Please make sure that your friends, farriers, vets etc, do not bring dogs, or else they keep them in their cars.

All agistees of Bangholme park must read agree and adhere to the rules and guidelines set out buy Bangholme park as part of the Agistment agreement made between both parties to insure everyones time at Bangholme park is a safe and without incident

Worming must be done when you arrive at Bangholme Park and every horse owner will be expected to worm their horses at least every 12 weeks (private paddock) or 6-8 weeks for a shared paddock. If you dont have time to buy worming paste or you need someone to help you worm your horse we can organize to have this done.

All paddocks must be cleaned by the Agistee at least once every three days. Bags will be provided and please remember not to over fill the bags. Once collected please leave the bags outside your paddock or in the designated area.
  If your horse causes any damage to the property either intentional or unintentional you as the Horse owner are liable for this Damage and will be invoiced accordingly for the damage that has occurred